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Brown Creeper.....

     Mid-morning today noticed lots of activity in sunny Oak tree on edge of 
woods.  Saw Blue-headed Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet(s), Northern Flickers, 
looking just as pretty as Gary had described his, bright yellow Pine Warbler, 
Downy and Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, then lastly some movement on nearby tree 
trunk...first Brown Creeper of the fall, and in the same view, a 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  Had first Golden-crowned Kinglets on 10/12, first 
Sapsucker on 10/8.
    In general, in my yard, the birds really favor all of the forest edges 
around the house, I can follow them as they go from tree to tree along the 
yard's edge.
Shelley Theye 

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC