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imm. White-crowned Sp. at HBSP

Hi y'all,
    Led a small group for a couple of hours worth of birding at HBSP this
morning (~10:00 - 12:30) along the causeway and halfway down the Carriage
Path. Most notable birds were a Brown Creeper in the cedars at the east end
of the causeway and an immature White-crowned Sparrow associating with a
small group of White-throateds alongside the Carriage Path, before the
cedars located there. The birds were very tame, foraging in the open within
30 ft. of the group. (Since Jack Peachey had headed north to the jetties, I
left a note on his car and he found the White-crowned as well.)
    Mixed in with the roost of White Ibis, Snowy egrets and Tricolored
herons at the west end of the causeway was a lone Cattle Egret.
    Interestingly, Golden-crowned Kinglets far outnumbered Ruby-crowned. (We
had good looks at a pair that were preening after having bathed, the male
flashing his orange-red crown, his consort showing only yellow.) The same
held true when I arrived at home in Conway. A group of 6 (or more) were
foraging in a Red Maple, while I could only come up with 2 Ruby-crowned
before dark. I've never seen more than one GCKI in our yard prior to today.
    Also had first Chippie of the fall in the yard this p.m.

Here's the HBSP list:
Pied-billed Grebe - 1
D-c Cormorant - numerous
Great Blue Heron - 5
Great Egret - 10
Snowy Egret - 20+
Tricolored Heron - 15+
Cattle Egret - 1
White Ibis - 25+
Wood Stork - 7
Turkey Vulture - 9
Osprey - 3
Bald Eagle - 1
Clapper Rail - several heard
Laughing Gull - 4
Ring-billed Gull - 12
Herring Gull - 2 imm.
Caspian Tern - 1
Mourning Dove - 4
Belted Kingfisher - 1
N. Flicker - 2
Tree Swallow - pick a number
Blue Jay - 3
Am. Crow - 2
C. Chickadee - heard
Brown Creeper - 1
C. Wren - 3 heard
Golden-crowned Kinglet - at least a dozen
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1
Gray Catbird - 1 heard
N. Mockingbird - 3
Y-r Warbler - numerous
N. Cardinal - 3
Eastern Towhee - 2 seen, a number heard
Savannah Sparrow - 3
Song Sparrow - 2
Swamp Sparrow - 1
White-throated Sparrow - numerous
White-crowned Sparrow - 1 imm.
Red-winged Blackbird - 9
Boat-tailed Grackle - 5
Common Grackle - 12

And the afternoon yard list:
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 chasing pigeons
Rock Dove - 15
Mourning Dove - 10
R-b Woodpecker - 1
Y-b Sapsucker - 2
Downy Wp. - 2
N. Flicker - 3
Tree Swallow - 10
Blue Jay - 2
Fish Crow - 3
C. Chickadee - 4
T. Titmouse - 2
W-b Nuthatch - 1
B-h Nuthatch - 3
C. Wren - 4
G-c Kinglet - 6+
R-c Kinglet - 2
Am. Robin - 2
N. Mockingbird - 3
Y-r Warbler - a bunch
N. Cardinal - 4 (very unusual, normally 10 to 20 show up before dark)
Chipping Sparrow - 1
White-throated Sparrow - 7
Red-winged Blackbird - 25+
Common Grackle - 3
B-h Cowbird - 5
House Finch - 8
House Sparrow - 10+


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
'"Oh frabjous day! Callooh, Callay!' he chortled in his joy." (Carroll)