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Jordan Lake

The good news is New Hope Creek has mudflats, the bad news is there are no
birds there!  Obviously I went to the wrong part of the Lake!!
  Saw some Great Blue Herons, Double-crested Cormorants, Killdeer, and
Snipe.  There were several Red-headed Woodpeckers and a huge flock of
Grackles being watched by an immature Red-tailed  Hawk.
  Walking through the field to the creek there were many sparrows:  Song,
Field, Swamp, White-throated and maybe a Savannah (I'm working on my
sparrows--if a Lincoln's popped up I'm afraid I would not be able to
identify it), a covey of about 10 Bob White flew up, and a Winter Wren
fussed at me for a long time giving me good looks.  Thought I heard a
Red-eyed Vireo.  Could one still be around?
Harry - I saw more Ruby Crowned Kinglets this weekend than I have ever
seen--at Mason Farm and at the edge of the woods along the walk to NH
Creek--easily 20, Sat. and Sun. whereas I usually only see two or three when
I go out.

Judy Murray
Chapel Hill, NC