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Re: Stilt Sandpipers

It may have been late for them, but the Wings Over Water group that I
led observed 3 uninjured Stilt Sandpipers (in company with a couple of
Dunlin) at the Bodie Island Lighthouse pond on Saturday morning. 
Fortunately the Clapper Rail that had been leisurely preening at our
feet just below the observation deck had just moved on, so we could give
full attention to the sandpipers.  Until a Merlin burst across the marsh
and scared the daylights out of them with a close pass.

Kent Fiala
Raleigh NC.

frank rheindt wrote:

> I had the impression that other birders (including some of the tour leaders
> of the Wings over Water Festival) didn't really believe me when I mentioned
> that sighting to them (understandably), mainly because this is such a late
> sighting