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re: eagle's prey

Bald Eagles are also capable of killing fast small prey.  On a cold January
afternoon in Duluth Minnesota, Norm Budnitz and I observed an adult Bald
Eagle attack and capture a flying Rock Dove.  He hit the dove but missed on
the first pass, but secured his prey on the second.  An amazing show.

By the way, with regards to Jim Sutton's account of an eagle grabbing a
salmon, I'll pass on to fellow Carolinians not familiar with the west that
the Quinault River is on the Olympic Penninsula in NW Washington state.  

On a parallel thread, I also was party to a pair of Golden Eagles taking a
Great Horned Owl in Colorado!  A most unusual case and a long story,  but
it points further to the fact that eagles are very capable preditors!

Mike Schultz
Durham, NC