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Re: Blk Bk Gulls, predators

Just two weeks ago, at Mattusmuskeet, I watched a BBG harass a raft of 
coot, isolate one individual, kill it (presumedly by injuring and then 
drowning) and then eat it.  I watched the entire process through my 
scope.  Facinating!

The entire drama took maybe 10 minutes.

Jack McLain
Durham, NC

At 09:07 AM 11/17/2000 -0500, Greg wrote:

>On more then one occassion I've seen these large gulls eating waterfowl,
>where presumably the prey was fresh and not carrion.  Three occassions come
>to mind vividly.  All were in the winter, two on a nearly frozen pond (90+%
>covered) the other on a salt marsh.  One was a Mallard, one a Coot, the last
>a Black Duck.
>The first 2 (on separate days at the same pond) were on the ice of the
>frozen pond and were still steaming when I arrived.   I am only assuming
>that the gull killed the birds, don't know for sure.  The third was a kill
>in progress when I arrived.  I took a series of photos of the event.  I have
>know way of knowing if the duck, or ducks, were weak to begin with due to
>the cold weather, illness... that the gull merely took advantage of that
>fact.  However, the assault on the black duck did not appear to be a passing
>thought.  It appeared as though it was deliberate, and it was relentless.
>In fact the gull began to eat while the duck was still struggling to escape.
>I don't know if the duck was unable to fly before that attack began because
>I arrived while it was in progress.  The duck seemed unable to fly farther
>than a few yards by that time I arrived on the scene.
>  Has anyone else witnessed Great Black-backed Gulls preying on other birds.
>Greg Dodge
>Durham, NC