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Outer Banks

Just returned from a pleasant pair of days on the Outer Banks.  Pea Island's
ponds held more birds than I have ever seen at that location, although we did
not find any of the rarities being reported (Fulvous WD, Ross's Goose).  North
Pond has very nice numbers of Tundra Swan along with at least a dozen species of
duck.  We were surprised to find a pair of Brant mixed in with a group of
pintails.  The other nice bird from North Pond was a Peregrine Falcon perched on
the Osprey platform near the visitor center.  According to the clipboard the
bird is faily regular.

 Echoing the recent posting, the number of yellow-rumps appears quite low.  How
often can I say I did not see a YR on the Outer Banks!?  (Not that we really
tried, we spent more time getting to know each and every Snow Goose feeding
alongside the road hoping one would be a Ross's!)

Other than the lack of Ross's Geese, observing the Snows was entertaining.  I
had no idea that they dig such deep holes to get to the tubers and roots.  I had
kind of assumed they pulled the roots out by grabbing hold of the plant's
stalks.  Anyway, we saw quite a few geese with their heads buried up to their
necks in the wet dirt.  Needless to say these geese could make due with a box of
wet-wipes.  Only spotted one blue phase.

The weather at Cape Point held off this morning long enough to check the salt
pond (most irregular bird being a Brant) and scan the gulls (least common being
a couple of Lesser BB's).  The funniest moment came when I rounded a dune and
saw a Peregrine sitting on the ground looking the other way.  After a minute I
realized the bird had no idea I was there.  I didn't want to scare it too much
and made a clicking sound to try and make my presence known.  The bird took off
like a shot only to be mobbed by a Herring Gull.  Guess it was not having a
really good day...

Congrats to all who made it out to the mango and flycatcher this weekend.  How
often do we have to make a choice as to which great bird we want to go see!

Steve Shultz
Apex, NC
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