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NC Rarities

While the Mango and the Vermillion are the focus of attention at the
moment, I would like to mention a few other items of interest from
western NC.

On Thurs., Nov.10, a Red Phalarope was sighted on a small pond on the
Campus of the Brevard Music Festival right in town. The bird, in winter
plumage (page 185 Nat'l Geo) was senn at close range ( less than 10 ft.)
by many local birders. Providentially, Wayne Forsythe arrived to
document the sighting with extensive videocam footage. The only previous
local record of the species dates back to 1976. We are theorizing that
the extremely strong storm from the Southeast a day earlier carried this
bird inland. The bird could not be found the following day.

By way of follow-up, I would like to advise that the Great White Heron
which has been residing on a local golf course since early July is still
here as of this aftenoon. However. during the last week or so he has
been ranging somewhat farther afield. Would anyone out there have any
idea as to the possibility of the bird overwintering here? The Great
Blue is a year-around resident, so why not the White?

Lastly, this past Wed. I had a great look at a Canvasback, a very rare
bird here in the mountains.

All in all, this has been an extremely interesting year for Carolina


Tom Joyce (tominbrevard@webtv.net)
PO Box 2542
Brevard, NC 28712