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Panther Kestrel/ Beaufort County CBC

Charlotte--Attended my first NFL game last night as the Panthers whipped up
on the Packers. An even more entertaining distraction from the action the
the dork cheesehead who rushed headlong into a play and gallumphed the
length of the field before being taken into custody, was a male kestrel who
swooped around the inside of the stadium around 11 PM.

He (the kestrel) swirled around inside for several minutes, from one end to
the other. He once perched on the cable that holds the catch net behind one
goal. I did see him make a pass at a large bug once (he missed). Pickings
were slim with the temperature in the 30s.

At one point he flew under the upper deck for a few seconds, reappearing at
about the same spot. Not sure whether he hovered or perched. No word on his
opinion of Dennis Miller.


The Beaufort County Christmas Bird Count is December 17. Emily Albera is
compiling. You may reach her or husband Jim at (252) 964-2192.

The usual post-count soup is planned. New folk are welcome.

Ric Carter