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Caesars Head hawk flight

Another big day at Caesars Head- unprecedented numbers thus far at this
site. Nine hours of hawk watching produced the following:

Turkey Vulture		2
Osprey			2
Sharp-shinned Hawk	2
Cooper's Hawk		1
Broad-winged Hawk	2882
American Kestrel	2
unidentified		3

Big flight occurred around midday. Birds were high against a good
backdrop of clouds heading SW. After a lull, a late afternoon flight
occurred (4:45 pm through 5:30 pm) with birds heading in a WSW
direction. Observers present included Jeff Catlin (in morning),
Elizabeth Galloway, Hilda Reece, myself and others.

Wood warblers observed include:
black-and-white warbler
blackburnian warbler (several)
blackpoll warbler
black-throated green warbler (6-7 birds)
Tennessee warbler=20
yellow-throated warbler
pine warbler
bay-breasted warbler
chestnut-sided warbler (several).

Irvin Pitts
Columbia, SC