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lunch break in Boone

While lunching in the beautiful sunshine this afternoon, I discovered I
wasn't the only hungry one.  A number of migrants were feeding in my yard.
Within a few minutes I had male & female rose-breasted grosbeaks, a newly
arrived ruby-crowned kinglet, a lingering singing blue headed vireo, a flock
of cedar waxwings, the 2nd hermit thrush I've seen recently in our yard (the
first made my yard list as #74--hurrah!), a chattering Carolina wren, the
ever-present gold finches, etc. etc.  Dogwood berries seemed one of the main
attractions.  Guten Appetit!!

happy birding,
Walton Conway
The Golden Cockerel, Boone, NC
(828) 297-4653; 1-800-892-5409