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Green-tailed Towhee

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning, Ritch Lilly and I (Ritch is a new birder from my neck of the
woods with very keen eyes), went to see the Green-tailed Towhee and we were
successful.  Ritch saw it three times and I saw it twice.  When we arrived
at 7:35 there were three or four birders waiting for it. And the older
gentleman found it at about 7:55, I did not get the greatest look so Ritch
and I hung around to see if it would reappear and it did and this time I
had good looks at the bird about 8:36, another birder arrived and the bird
reappeared briefly about 9:05. Is there a feeding pattern here? My thanks
to Derb Carter and Harry Legrand, I believe between the Pacific-Slope
Flycatcher and now this bird they have saved me a ton of money in airfare,
lodging and meals.  Maybe I don't have to take a birding trip out west
after all. (only kidding)
Other birds seen in rank order of most to least were:
House Finch, Song Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Painted Bunting (3 or 4
green jobs), White-crowned Sparrow (3 or 4) Swamp Sparrow, Gray Catbird,
and Brown Thrasher. A great morning.


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC