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Jordan Lake 751 bridge

OK folks I couldn't stay home, had to go and check it out.
First of all water went up (some 3-15 feet less mudflats), second it
became to be muddy...  I wasn't able to go as far as yesterday, some 20
feet short.
Well, anyway it was worthy. There are more birds in the front of the
bridge (17:30-18:30). Here you are some numbers:

Black-bellied Plover  - 1 ad
Killdeer -                       18
Semipalmated Pl.         12
Lesser Yellowlegs        32
Solitary Sandpiper        1
Stilt Sand.                     12 juv. 4 ad.
Pectoral Sand.              53
Western Sand.              57 juv. 2 ad in winter plumage
Semipalmated Sand.   36 juv.
Least Sand                    35 (mostly juv. could be some ad among
Wilson's Phalarope       8 juv.

There is still more rain coming, I hope it will bring some birds, but it
will be very muddy...


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040