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JOrdan Lake 751 bridge


I have just came back from 751 bridge area. Water is not much bigger
than two days ago and most of the birds are the same. I met Denny Dobbin
and Alan Johnston so I wasn't only one with the crazy idea to go

Black-bellied Plover     1
Killdeer       14
Semipalmated Pl.    8
Greater Yellowlegs    2 ad
Lesser Yellow.          22 (8 ad)
Short-billed Dowitcher    2 juv.
Stilt Sand.         3 juv. 3 ad (much less than two days ago)
Pectoral Sand.     37  (distinctly less than two days ago)
White-rumped Sand.        1 ad (new bird here)
Western Sand         60 juv. 1 ad the same number !
Semipalmated Sand. 36 juv.     the same number!
Least Sand.        34 almost the same
Wilson's Phalar.   6 juv. (2 less)

So, almost the same birds still nice view on Phalaropes and perfect
opportunity to study juvenile plumage of Western-Semipalmated. I hope
some new birds will arrive when all of that clouds be gone some next
week or so.


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040