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Falls Lake shorebirds


Here you are report from Little Lick (1) and Panther (2) Creeks mud
flats. Not much birds, however some nice species appeared. Unfortunately
Killdeers today are very very nervous and panic which make other birds
nervous as well. In case of Little Lick Creek most birds just gone
because of that group of crazy Killdeers.

American Golden Plover  9 juv.      0
Killdeer   30             15
Semipalmated Sand. 11       0
Greater Yellowlegs  0            2
Lesser Yellow.  2 juv.          5 flying NW
Spotted Sand.   1        0
Pectoral Sand   1        7
Sanderling        3 juv.         0
Baird's Sand    2 juv.      0
Least Sand. 12 juv. 4 ad            5 juv.  1 ad.
Snipe  2    0

Caspian Tern       0        6

That's it. I hope there will more birds after some cold front in near
I had also Yellow, Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, B&W Warblers


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040