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Finally a day with no rain so I tacked up Crosby and went to the pond, in
no particular order, I saw song, field, chipping sp., junco flocks,
cardinal, towhees, and at the spot where I usually see kinglets, Crosby
spooked at something, must of thought the sharpie was after him, he about
tossed me off.  so much for the kinglets.  On the pond, the mute swan is
back, tons of ringed necked ducks (100+) mallards, 1 ruddy, one Am widgeon
and a flyover of an Am kestral a first for the pond I believe, 2 killdeer
and a possible winter wren.  Also had in the woods, YR warbler, possible
pine warbler, red bellied wp and 2 YB sapsuckers.  Also found (at the pond)
the remains of a bird with black feathers, look like crow size but then saw
one real long one vulture size and lots of white under feathers.  Found no
other body parts, except for the long feather, I would think a ring neck
duck was caught by something and hauled out or perhaps taken from the pond.
How big a bird can a sharpie get and will it get one off the water.  I
doubt the ducks would get out of the water to forage so I doubt a fox.  Saw
a bluebird at the barn.  Pond/woods is in NE Orange co.  All in all a good
bird day.  barb brooks

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
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