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loons and others


Sure am glad to have power back in our home in Raleigh. I'm tired of the
cold, and winter hasn't begun yet! Wish we had escaped to Wilmington for
birding, but then we needed to be home for the roofers to check the
damage to our house. Maybe the King Eider will stick around awhile.
Funny, I was wondering what bird sightings I was missing when I was
without the computer!

Since I needed to deliver bird books to McIntyre's Books in Fearrington
Village on Sunday, it gave Joe and I the great excuse to look for loons
at Jordan Lake SRA in Chatham County on the way. Ebenezer, Seaforth, and
Parker's Creek gates were closed because of damage from the ice storm.
The gate was open for the headquarters area though, so we parked and
walked to the boat dock in back. I was happy when we found four Common
Loons. They were very close to Seaforth beach on the opposite side.
Unfortunately, a power boat whizzed by causing them to fly off toward
Ebenezer beach. There was also one Horned Grebe, Double-crested
Cormorants, and Ring-billed and Bonaparte's Gulls. It was a welcome
change to see Ruby-crowned Kinglets feeding on the ground instead of
high up in a tree.

Someone wrote asking about juncos last week. We had an increase in our
yard during the ice storm, although I haven't seen many since. Just saw
my first Hermit Thrush of the winter in my yard. A pair of Carolina
Wrens have been using a basket by the front door at night. I just saw
them adding more material for warmth.

It's very sad to see so many downed trees in the area. Carol mentioned
Jordan Lake would be open in time for the Christmas Bird Count, but
Umstead's closing will affect the Wake County count. What's going on at
Falls Lake SRA? If Brian's email is working, maybe he could give us an
update on the park and count.

Wishing everyone a fun, not-so-cold weather for the Christmas Bird
Happy holidays and happy birding!

Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC