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Cave Swallow at Augusta, Ga.

Since we sit on the line of Ga/S.C. and Cave Swallows have been seen
recently on the N.C. coast, I am posting this message to both lists.

This morning, 12-14-02, on the Augusta-Aiken Audubon field trip, we found 1
Cave Swallow flying alone above the ponds in Merry Brickyard Ponds. We were
standing up on top of a high clay mound off Mining Haul Rd. to the sw. (On
the map in Giff's  BIRDING GA book pg. 123, this is down that dotted line
from the circled P.) It is an adult prob. of the Mexican or SW race. It was
swooping over the pond below us then swooping up into the sky and circling
around. Some of it's circles brought it right by us at eye level. From above
we could see the pale rust/or buffy, rump above the square dark tail. It had
dark wings with an occasional greenish sheen from the sun. Back of the neck
was almost the same color as the rump. Dark cap had a hint of deep blue in
the sun. When it flew toward us we could see the square forehead patch of
cinnamon/rust in contrast to the dark cap and dark eye mask. (This forehead
patch is creamy white on Cliff Swallows).  From underneath it was very white
esp. on the belly with  buff  wash on throat. Square tail was only dark
toward the ends from underneath. We watched it for about 10 minutes.
Observers included: Anne Water, Calvin Zippler, George Reeves, and  Gene
Howard.  It was observed in bright sunlight about 12:45pm.
   This is the first record of a Cave Swallow for Augusta.
   Other interesting birds seen on the field trip included: 8 Herring Gulls
mixed in the 460 Ring-billed Gulls;  2 ad. Bald Eagles, the first Fox
Sparrow for this season; 57 Hooded Mergansers;
a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and 4 Black-crn. Night Herons.
Anne Waters