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Re: scarce pine warblers? and Wood Ducks?

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Laura Lewis-Tuffin wrote:

> Adding to the thread about birds in abundance or lack-there-of this winter,
> I've noticed pine warblers to be in low numbers this year (at least so
> far).  Last winter the trees ringing the lot where I park at Duke were full
> of them: so far this (almost) winter I have not heard one.  We also found
> only one individual during the Durham CBC Sunday (we counted at the Old
> Oxford Highway impoundment vicinity).  Is it early yet - or has anyone else
> noticed this?

I had only one of them on my Durham CBC count, too...

ANd this reminds me, I also *still* have not seen a Wood Duck this fall or
winter! I visited two places SUnday that struck me as ideal habitat for
them: the railroad tracks that cross the mouth of Ellerbe Creek into Falls
Lake, and the beaver swamp behind the Super K-Mart where I saw the Hooded
Mergansers. I visited or scanned a few farm ponds too. I've visited the
Poplar Point settling ponds near Jordan Lake at least three times in the
last two months and not seen one there either. And looking at reports from
other people who have gone duck-watching lately - Brian Murphy at Umstead
and Crabtree, Steve Schultz visiting all the usual Wake County spots, and
various people visiting Jordan and Falls lakes - I don't see any Woodie
reports from them either. The only place I don't see cited, which is maybe
the best place around here for them, is the Butner Gamelands; maybe Norm
Budnitz and company saw some on the CBC...

So where are all the Triangle's Wood Ducks?


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
