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Re: scarce Wood Ducks?


I saw about 45 Wood ducks at the Flat River Impoundment near Falls Lake
off Old Oxford Highway in Durham Co. a couple of weeks ago.  I guess
that's where they're hanging out.


On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Joshua S. Rose wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Laura Lewis-Tuffin wrote:
> > Adding to the thread about birds in abundance or lack-there-of this winter,
> > I've noticed pine warblers to be in low numbers this year (at least so
> > far).  Last winter the trees ringing the lot where I park at Duke were full
> > of them: so far this (almost) winter I have not heard one.  We also found
> > only one individual during the Durham CBC Sunday (we counted at the Old
> > Oxford Highway impoundment vicinity).  Is it early yet - or has anyone else
> > noticed this?
> I had only one of them on my Durham CBC count, too...
> ANd this reminds me, I also *still* have not seen a Wood Duck this fall or
> winter! I visited two places SUnday that struck me as ideal habitat for
> them: the railroad tracks that cross the mouth of Ellerbe Creek into Falls
> Lake, and the beaver swamp behind the Super K-Mart where I saw the Hooded
> Mergansers. I visited or scanned a few farm ponds too. I've visited the
> Poplar Point settling ponds near Jordan Lake at least three times in the
> last two months and not seen one there either. And looking at reports from
> other people who have gone duck-watching lately - Brian Murphy at Umstead
> and Crabtree, Steve Schultz visiting all the usual Wake County spots, and
> various people visiting Jordan and Falls lakes - I don't see any Woodie
> reports from them either. The only place I don't see cited, which is maybe
> the best place around here for them, is the Butner Gamelands; maybe Norm
> Budnitz and company saw some on the CBC...
> So where are all the Triangle's Wood Ducks?
> Josh
> Joshua S. Rose
> Duke University
> Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
> jsr6@duke.edu
> http://www.duke.edu/~jsr6/

Jeff Pippen   	 				 jspippen@duke.edu
Biology Dept. Box 90338
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278