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RE: Black-throated Gray Wblr on Lake Norman

I was out at the site (about 0.25-mile from my home) today three
separate times (0930 - 1130 - 1530) for a total of sixty minutes
observing time.  The B-t Gray was NOT recovered during these times, tho
all of the usual suspects were present; Kinglets, Parids, Cedar
Waxwings, B-h Nuthatches, et al.

For those of you with GPS or DeLorme's Street Atlas, the coords of the
site are:

N35? 32.694'
W80? 54.012'

For VFR folx: I-77 exit 33;  West on Hwy 1109 2.5 miles to Brawley
School Rd.; left (south) on BSR 2 miles to Stutts Rd.; left on Stutts 2
miles to the first occurrence of Shoreline Loop; Right on SLL, 0.25-mile
to cul-de-sac'ed waterfront access lot. Mixed deciduous & conifer over
lawns.  B-t Gray was seen on the sapsucker-hole-ringed maple in the
front yard of the house nearest and across the street from the access
lot, but prolly could appear on any of the nearby trees within a hundred
meters foraging with other small foragers. The trees of the access lot
are particularly favored for out-of-the-ordinary species in my
neighborhood, and many of the deciduous trees are sapsucker-hole-ringed.

Tomm "the quinquagenarian thespian" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Legrand [mailto:harry.legrand@ncmail.net] 
> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 08:45
> To: Tomm Lorenzin
> Cc: Listserv CarolinaBirds
> Subject: Re: Black-throated Gray Wblr on Lake Norman
> I believe this represents the 5th report of Black-throated 
> Gray Warbler for NC. Thus, the NC Bird Records Committee 
> would appreciate further details to review for a vote later 
> in the year. A rare bird form can be downloaded from the CBC 
> website at <www.carolinabirdclub.org>, from the "Records 
> Committee" link. Or, the Committee can work from a more 
> detailed description than what was briefly put out on carolinabirds.
> Also, none of the previous 4 records has been photographed, 
> nor is there a specimen. It IS on the Official List, as there 
> have been a minimum of 3 accepted records.
> Tomm, can you please provide directions to the bird? A lot of 
> folks in NC will probably want to look for it, and hopefully 
> photograph it. (With digital cameras being able to get great 
> shots of distant birds nowadays held up to a spotting scope, 
> maybe a recognizable photo is possible.) Of course, a canopy 
> bird like this might be difficult to "hold still" in a scope 
> for a photo.
> Harry LeGrand
> Chair, NC Bird Records Committee
> Tomm Lorenzin wrote:
> > 
> > This morning's outing here in Lake Norman yielded a female B-t Gray 
> > warbler.  I was watching a Golden-crowned Kinglet foraging 
> on the Y-b 
> > Sapsucker-hole-ringed maple just down the street from me 
> when she was 
> > replaced by this black, white, and gray (and little yellow 
> > nare-spotted) dudess.  She was exhibiting the very same foraging 
> > behavior as the G-c Knglt, and she let me watch her with 
> binocs from a 
> > 12m distance for at least 3-4 minutes.
> > 
> > Also, in addition the the usual winter supects, we had a 
> Brown Creeper 
> > - seldom seen in this neighborhood.
> > 
> > Cold and breezy it was this morning, but the birds made the foray 
> > worth my while.
> > 
> > Cheers!
> > Tomm "Mr. Couldwrench (the quantum mechanic)" Lorenzin Mooresville 
> > (Lake Norman), NC skytomm(at)1000plus.com
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > "There is no god, and Dirac is his prophet"
> >       ~ Wolfgang Pauli
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > visit me @ http://www.1000plus.com/
> -- 
> Harry LeGrand
> NC Natural Heritage Program
> 1615 MSC
> Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
> (919) 715-8687 (work)
> FAX: 919-715-3085
> e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net