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Bird feeders

"The "new research shows birds do not benefit by being fed by people" is
likely in reference to an article that was published in the Wall Street
Journal at the end of last month.  It led to some discussion on
BirdChat, and there's a critique of it at

Disclaimer:  I haven't actually read this critique yet but I have it
bookmarked because I keep meaning to read it."

And indeed you should, as should we all. It shows how a small portion of our
population wish to discredit "tree huggers" and "nature lovers". This
critique is well written, and shows intelligence and some knowledge of the
subject, something the WSJ author obviously was sadly lacking on both
counts. I refuse to take my feeders down; they are in my own yard, are not
hurting anyone (let alone the birds), and I enjoy them.
Plus, I haven't had much Sciurid problems since using my favorite Squirrel
repellent - note, not killer, merely repellent.
Have seen many Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers; they love the suet.
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC