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  Many of you are probably already aware of this service/database, but i
thought i would mention it anyhow. eBird is a new online databasing
service for bird observations (below is a description from the website). 

eBird, a project developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the
National Audubon Society, provides a simple way for you to keep track of
the birds you see anywhere in North America. 

You can retrieve information on your bird observations, from your
backyard to your neighborhood to your favorite bird-watching locations,
at any time for your personal use. You can also access the entire
historical database to find out what other eBirders are reporting from
across North America. In addition, the cumulative eBird database is used
by birdwatchers, scientists, and conservationists who want to know more
about the distributions and movement patterns of birds across the

I realize that most of us already record and enter our observations for
the CBC, BBS, or GBBC, among others, but this is a great resource. I
found it very well done and easy to use. If you have some time, consider
starting to enter your data at www.eBird.org 

Dave Hewitt
Raleigh, NC
Dave Hewitt
North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Zoology Department
Campus Box 7617
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC  27695
email: dave_hewitt@ncsu.edu