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Just examples

Hi again,

(Had Bachman's Sparrow singing taoday... First of year. Yahoo! Lots of Sharpies within the last two weeks too)

This is the last you'll hear from me on this.

First off I was just stating for folks that VARIOUS statistical programs are available on the net for those who may not know (t-test was just an example).


Regarding the "research project" I was only making a point from this prev. post. (No, I wouldn't go shaking trees... unless there was funding to do so... KIDDING!):

Just a little something;
While my Pug was walking me the other day (or was it the other way
around... I'm never sure) I found out why some of the neighborhood birds
are upset around night fall. Here's the story. For some time now at
night fall, there has been a group of small folks in and around a line
of spruce trees (they are NORWAY Spruce Josh!) making a great fuss, as
though mobbing something. You can hear Song Sparrows, White Throated
Sparrows, Towhees, Carolina Wrens, Juncoes, and who knows what all
carrying on something fierce. When I go out and walk around the Spruces,
I see nothing, as the Spruces are so thick, it is all dark in there,
even in day light. When Piglet and I were walking by a few days ago,
hearing the danger calls, I wondered for the several hundredth time what
could be causing such a disturbance, and there from the end most Spruce
a large bird popped out and flew into a White Oak (native) and sat. It
was an Accipiter, and a beauty, and big. It had a buffy or gray breast,
and was of a size that I think it was likely etc.

Paul Champlin
New Ellenton, SC

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