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Common Goldeneye/Red Knots

Went to the Ft. Fisher "spit" this morning to try and
see the Golden Eagle that has been seen several times
this Fall and Winter over S. Brunswick County (most
recently flying in the direction of the "spit").  No
luck with the Eagle.  
Couple of unusual items of note though.  At the extreme
southern end in the area where the Snowy Owl was found
a year or so ago, I happened on a large flock of Red
Knots.  I counted them and had 40 birds.  Then another
flock flew in and joined them from the North.  Counted
again and had 61 birds.  Another 9 birds flew in from
the South bringing total to 70 Knots.  There has been a
dozen or two that wintered in this area which could be
found  further North opposite the Ft Fisher Museum
where they foraged on the rocks at low tide.  But I
think this group must be early migrants heading north.  
Departing the area, I stopped to scan the little pond
east of the NC Aquarium.  To my surprise and delight
there was an adult male Common Goldeneye feeding in the
pond.  Its been more than 5 years since I've seen a
Common Goldeneye in S.E. NC and then it was a female. 
There were some Lesser Scaup, Blue Winged Teal, Common
Moorhens, and P.B. Grebes in the pond as well.  
Final unusual thing.  Saw no S.B. Dowitchers this a.m.
I don't think that has happened before.

Bruce Smithson
318 W. Blackbeard Rd.
Wilmington, NC  28409
(910) 799-5083
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