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Re: Swallow Tail return query

Shantanu and all kite fans,

Swallow-tailed Kites are among the first of our Spring migrants and should
be arriving here any day. They might
actually be easier to find in late March than a singing
Bachman's Sparrow, which may not be in full song until
April. Look for the kites in the creek bottoms in the swamps such as the
Francis Marion National Forest, bridges over the creek are good places to
stop and look during mid-day. A reliable spot is the parking spot near the
South Santee River where it crosses High 17 at the Georgetown-Charleston
County line.

Good luck,
Steve Compton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shantanu Phukan" <phukan@email.unc.edu>
To: "Carolina Birds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 11:06 AM
Subject: Swallow Tail return query

> I have some California birders coming out to visit me during the last week
> of March and we will have about two and a half days to bird in this area.
> I was racking my brains to decide where to take them since that will still
> be a little too early for many neotropical migrants. One thought I had was
> to go down to Charleston and bird the Santee Delta in the hopes that we
> might hear some singing Bachmans Sparrows.
> My question for you Charleston/S Carolina birders is: do you know about
> when the Swallow Tailed Kites return for the summer? Will March 27 and 28
> be too early to hope to see any? If so, might we do better to head down
> further south to Savannah NWR?
> Thanks in advance for any replies.
> Shantanu Phukan
> Carrboro
> *****************************************************
> Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
> University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
> Curriculum in Asian Studies
> Alumni Hall 413C
> Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
> phukan@email.unc.edu
> 919-962-6825
> *****************************************************