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Re: vacation!


I just wanted to thank CarolinaBirds. As a result of my email on Monday
I'm now in contact with several birders who have given me loads of
information about where to bird! We will be staying at Morrow Mountain
2 nights; Hunting Island 4 nights and Hanging Rock 1 night. We are looking
forward to leaving all this snow and cold behind and your reports of
Woodcock, singing birds, swallows etc are warming. I have my fingers
crossed that I will get 15 life birds. Once again thank you for all your
help and reports! One last request - could you supply us with RBA phone
numbers since we won't have access to the web.

All the best
Marcie Jacklin
Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Marcie Jacklin wrote:

> Hi
> We are travelling to the Carolinas next week. Could I ask for some tips on
> this list? This will be my first time birding in this area. We are from
> Fort Erie (close to Buffalo) in Canada.
> We will be staying close to Beaufort/St Helena for 5 days. On
> the way down we are staying near Marlesboro and then near Danbury on
> the way back. Any information about speciality birds or good birding
> locations this time of year would be greatly appreciated!
> All the best
> Marcie
> **********************************************************
> Marcie Jacklin
> Fort Erie, Ontario
> mjacklin@brocku.ca
> **********************************************************