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newsletter and birds


I just saw a Brown Creeper climbing up a tree in our backyard, for the
second sighting this winter! Last week in the same area I watched an
Eastern Phoebe, perched and bobbing it's tail, adding another bird to
the yard list. Bluebirds and chickadees have begun building nests in the
nest boxes.

We were thinking about spending the day and night around the Ft. Macon
area today, but the weather made us change our plans. Think we'll look
for loons at Falls Lake or Jordan Lake tomorrow instead.

The CBC Newsletter was delivered to the post office Wednesday. Hopefully
it won't take 10 days to receive mine in the mail again! Steve Patterson
has great field trips lined up for the Clemson meeting next month. It's
always hard to choose which field trips to go on!

Happy birding this weekend! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC