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Sibley To Come

While all you birders down east are viewing murres, razorbills, dovekies
etc., I've been immured in my mountaiin hovel attempting to track down
rumors about David Sibley's newest project.

According to Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com, Knopf has scheduled an
April release of two new field guides entitled:

Sibley Field Gude to Birds of Western North America-hardcover- 496 pages
Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America-hardcover 432 pages

Each will retail for $19.95.

A blurb on the Barnes & Noble website states that these are not just
spinoffs from the original Sibley Guide, "but are field guides designed
to tote along on outings".

With National Geo covering the entire US in less than 500 pages in a
soft cover edition, one wonders how the new Sibley guides will be
received by field birders. We shall see, but I thought I would prepare
our membership for the impending arrival. Perhaps those of you with
closer ties to National Audubon and/  or the publisher will have more
info about the subject.

Tom Joyce
Brevard, NC