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Re: tick kills chipping sparrow

Re: Ticks

I have corresponding with a number of folks re ticks
on bird since 
mid Decemeber when I was seeing several per day
in Juncos>>>AmGo's>> Chippes.

There is an entymologist at Auburn who is very
in ticks on birds and may be the researcher most
actively involved in this research
He sent me a lengthy email describing the tick type,
time of attachment, and 
probable cause of death.
He has a  brief set of questions for an observor to
as well as requests for any ticks that could be sent
to him (preferred live in crush-proof container) or
dead (I have instructions on how to preserve/send). 

If any of you are interested, I can send more info.

Jill Froning DVM
Chapel Hill, NC/n. Chatham Co.

--- Steve Thomas <stype@sccoast.net> wrote:
> As a follow-up to the recent birds and ticks thread
> -
> Yesterday, my wife found an ailing chipping sparrow
> sitting in the lawn at
> our house.  She thought it best to leave it alone,
> and did.  But, an hour
> or so later she noticed it was dead.
> She directed me to it when I got home, and I found
> it had a tick on its
> "cheek" nearly the size of its head.
> St.
> Stephen Thomas
> stype@sccoast.net
> Aynor, SC

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