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Rough-winged Swallows and Purple Martin

Rough-winged Swallows are back with half a dozen mixing in with Tree
Swallows over Greenview Pond in southern Wake County this morning.  Nearby,
a Purple Martin was hanging out of a gourd at the colony on Olde South Road.
Spring's a comin'.

The other day I read something that induced a chuckle, thought it might do
so with you all as well :-)

While reading through a magazine on Ocho Rios, Jamaica an inset article
named "For the Birds" caught my eye.  It mentioned the long history of
birding in Jamaica, the relationship of Ian Fleming's master spy to the
author of the "Birds of the West Indies", and mentioned a few birds visitors
seek on the island.  The one that brought the bout of laughter was the
"Arrow-headed Wobbler".  Of course they meant the Arrow-headed WARBLER, but
the mistake brought mind several interesting mental pictures of local
"wobblers".  I guess our own will be here in just a few weeks!

Speaking of migrants, they are certainly on the way.  We spotted several
species of warblers, vireos, kingbirds, and a Chimney Swift on their way
north through the Caribbean last week.  Hard to believe I could see that
same Eastern Kingbird in 6 weeks in my own back yard.

If anyone locally might be interested in heading down to Atlantic Beach
tomorrow, let me know.  Depending on the reports today, Tracy and I might
try for some alcids.

Steve Shultz
Apex, NC