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Re: Spring birds Allendale and River Bridges SP


The Louisiana Waterthrushes are already back with us in South Carolina. I
heard one Sunday at the swamp that has a Great Blue Heron rookery at Fury's
Ferry. This site is on the Savannah River (a backwater of the Stevens Creek
impoundment of the Savannah, about 20 miles north of Augusta, GA) at the
McCormick - Edgefield County line (in Sumter National Forest).

I expect that our Swainson's Warblers will return in early April, sometime
between 5 April and 15 April.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carol Schumacher" <carol@linux2.winona.msus.edu>
To: "carolinabirds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Spring birds Allendale and River Bridges SP

> It truly sounds like spring in southern S. Carolina. Here are recent
> sightings annotated with typical dates these same species might be seen in
> extreme southeast Minnesota.
> Of course, resident N. Cardinals, N. Mockingbirds (I have only 1 county
> record), Carolina Wrens (a few county records) and Tufted Titmouse (only a
> handful of records at my home and local in SE MN) are delightful to hear.
> In Allendale County and roads in River Bridges SP, Bamberg County the last
> few days:
> Purple Martins N on 301 gourds MN late March, flocks later
> Osprey:  MN first few days of April
> Northern Parula flock at River Bridges SP, MN: early  May
> Red-shouldered Hawks at least 6 calling at River Bridges, one on nest in
> Allendale(contact me for the nest record)   MN:  a few over winter near
> me, mating behavior late March
> Tree Swallow flocks above River Bridges
> MN   flocks by late March/early April
> Yellow-throated Warblers singing:  USC campus Allendale` River Bridges SP,
> MN early May and very local
> Yellow-rumped Warblers  #'s evening before last  MN flocks in April and
> none too early.
> Leaf out is happening fast with daily rains.  When might Swainson's and
> Louisiana Waterthrush arrive?
> Thanks for the great hospitality.  If a trip to Minnesota is in your
> future, I'd be happy to point you in the right direction for birds.
> Carol
> --
> - carol schumacher-carol@linux2.winona.msus.edu-winona,mn
> birdminnesota.com
>              we are in this together