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Swainson's Hawk at Alligator River NWR, NC

I got to see the Swainson's Hawk today, at Alligator River NWR.  Watched
it off and on from 1:30 to 2:30pm.
It was where Harry LeGrand saw it--just north of where Long Curve Road
comes out to Milltail Road.

The bird was often very close, at times flying directly above the road.

It is really quite distinctive, with its long rather pointed wings,
wings held in slight dihedral, and the contrasting dark flight
feathers/light underwing coverts.  At one point, it was dived at by a
Red-tailed Hawk.

I think I heard the bird (am not sure because I wasn't watching it at
the time).  However, heard a vocalization that matched Sibley's
description of an immature call.

At 8pm, listened for Whip-poor-wills along Catfish Lake Road in the
Croatan NF, but heard none.  Lots of happy frogs though.

John Fussell
Morehead City, NC

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