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HBSP on 3-26-03

Hi C'birders,
This morning I spent a pleasant half day at Huntington Beach S.P. on a
sunny about 70 degrees F. with light south winds.  Areas covered were
Mullet Pond and the marsh from the causeway and the carriage path to the
hollow on the old entrance road. The Kerrigan Trail is under water for
much of its length.  Mullet Pond is at flood stage.

40 species
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-3
Snowy Egret-5
Little Blue Heron-2
Tricolored Heron-3
Green Heron-1
Black-crowned Night-Heron-1
Lesser Scaup-1 male
Bufflehead-1 female
Turkey Vulture-8
Cooper's Hawk-1
Greater Yellowlegs-1
Lesser Yellowlegs-1
Short-billed Dowitcher-8
Laughing Gull-2
Ring-billed Gull-3
Mournig Dove-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-1
Pileated Woodpecker-1 heard only
Tree Swallow-numerous
Blue Jay-1 heard only
Fish Crow-1 heard only
Carolina Chickadee-2
Tufted Titmouse-2 heard only
Carolina Wren-1 heard only
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-10
N. Mockingbird-2
Brown Thrasher-1
White-eyed Vireo-2 heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-40
Yellow-throated Warbler-3
Pine Warbler-1 heard only
Prairie Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-3
Rufous-sided Towhee-1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow-1
Red-winged Blackbird-2

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC