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Virginia Rail

Ron Selvey, who seems to have an incredible knack for sniffing out rails, 
reported a Virginia Rail to me this morning at Jackson Park in Hendersonville.
 I didn't have time to get there until this evening, but when I did there it 
was practically at my feet.  It is in the same place the rail was last year 
which, by the way, was there on March 30th last year, for those of you who 
remember that one.  For those who don't, it's near the back gate where the 
marshy area is.  There are two openings in the vegetation along the back edge.
 Check both of them, but it was at the first one under the bush on the left.  
It creeped around in there for a while, then flew across to the other side of 
the drainage ditch and disappeared into the weeds.

Other new arrivals to this area of the mountains in the last couple of days 
include BG Gnatcatcher (Beaver Lake), Yellow-throated Warbler (UNCA campus), 
La Waterthrush (Mills River), and B&W Warbler (Mills River).  Ron also 
reported Orange-crowned Warbler on the Nature Trail in Jackson Park. 

Marilyn Westphal
Environmental Quality Institute
University of North Carolina-Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC  28804