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Santee Coastal Res bitterns

Dear all:
I just returned from a bracing (though at the same time damp) trip to the
South Carolina coast, in specific the beautiful Santee Coastal Reserve
where I did manage to wow my california friends with an easy 'descent' of
about four Red Cockaded Woodpeckers and 'charms' of singing Bachman's

The highlight of the trip, however, was a pair of Least Bitterns hanging
out very faithfully at the Washo Reserve, behind the workarea where the
tractors are housed. At the very beginning of the Bike Hike Trail, where
the trail first crosses the first pond if you look to the left at the
water control mechanisms (weirs?) you are lamost sure of seeing at least
one of this pair that has claimed it as their territory. We only saw them
flush but a couple who had been birding there the day before said that
they saw them mate for a full half hour, and that the bitterns were
completely unconcerned. THis was a lifer for all three of us and we came
back feeling quite edified even though the Swallow Tailed Kites eluded us
completely. Incidentally, the entire Santee Delta is completely flooded
and the trail one takes along the north santee river was a raging river on
Friday and a deep lake on Saturday. SO this may've had somethign to do
with the missing kites.

One question for you Charlestonians:
What is the difference between the Santee Coastal Reserve and the Washo
Reserve? Is Washo simply the old name for SCR or are they separate but
contiguous pieces of land. Whatever they are, they are truly gorgeous. I
have seldom seen such huge and dignified oaks as at the entrance to the
reserve. THey were hopping, by the way, with yellow throated vireos and y
throated warblers. Simply splendid.

Shantanu Phukan

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
