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SC birds

   Hey Birders,

     I will be going to a family reunion sometime during the last week
of May. My uncle is hosting it and he lives in Monck's Corner, SC. So,
for an entire week or so, I will be in a brand spankin' new area,
completely unfamiliar with the avifauna of the region, which will be
torture beyond expression, seeing as how possible life birds abound.
And, to make things worse, I will only have one day to myself to bird. 
   I have subscribed to your list some three weeks ago, so I have begun
to become a little familiar with your bird life. So, I'm not totally
ignorant of whatcha got!  
   I will be restricted to the following: Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie,
Francis Marion National Park, and Cape Romain NWR. This is all the big
stuff that is on the Road Atlas, but I'm sure there are little unique
hot spots, just like there are here in Iowa, that don't show up on vague
road atlases. So, I have two questions, which if responded to would be
greatly appreciated. 
   First; would it be likely that I could find Brown Pelican, Anhinga,
Little Blue Heron, White Ibis, Wood Stork, Fish Crow, Royal, Sandwich,
Least, and Gull-billed Terns, the 2 kites, Mottled Duck, Wilson's
Plover, and Purple Gallinule, Clapper, King, and Black Rails at Cape
Romain NWR with any luck? And would it be likely that I could find Pine,
Prairie, Yellow-throated, Worm-eating, Prothonotary, Swainson's,
Kentucky, and Hooded Warblers, Yellow-breasted Chat, Louisiana
Waterthrush, White-eyed Vireo, and Red-cockaded Woodpecker at Francis
Marion NF? 
   Second: are there any other birding hotspots or recomended locations
that aren't shown on a basic road atlas worth checkin' out, that aren't
too far away from Monck's Corner? 
   I know this is a lot to ask, and ya'll probably get this type of
inquiry all the time, but if any of you could afford one more response
on my behalf, I would be very grateful. 
   Randy Scheiner
   Vinton, IA