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Durham Count

Hi all,

I also counted on my usual territory (Redwood Road boat ramps and the
gamelands around them, Panther Creek swamp off of Falls Lake, I-85 causeway
(S of the Lake and E. of I-85)) this past Sunday.

Before I go any further, let me just say that I also had Turkeys - on my way
in first in the AM, two lumbered across the road in front of me, and on my
way out of the boat ramps another went in the opposite direction a bit
further down the road.  Might have been one of the original two, might not
have been, no way to know.

Migrants were weirdly absent, although I had a lot of PALM and PRAIRIE
WARBLERS - felt more like the second week in April rather than the fourth.
Much of my territory was under water, which made the birding interesting,
but I managed to squeeze out almost 60 species.  A pair of BARRED OWLS
called back and forth, and both HOODED MERGANSERS and WOOD DUCKS swam in the
flooded woods by the Panther Creek ORV trail.  Lots of strange misses, too
many to bother listing (and too depressing).

Good Birding,


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC

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