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Re: Digital cameras

My two cents...
I shopped for digital cameras 6 months ago and was split between the Nikon
Cool Pix 4500 and the Olympus Camedia 4000-C.  Unfortunately I looked at all
aspects other than digiscoping.  I settled on the Olympus and love every
feature it offers.  I have gotten many great photos and a couple of good
digital zoom photos of birds in Brazil, California, and the Outerbanks
(however not attached to the scope). I got the t-rings and attachments to
get the Olympus and my Swarovski scope mated but have not had any success.
With my Minolta 35 SLR, I get great shots attached to the scope.

So from my experience the Olympus is great for everything except
digiscoping.  From everything I read since then, I should have gone with the
CoolPix, because, it seems to have the best results (at least with Kowa

My general advice is to try a camera with your scope and find one that works
for you.

Google on digiscoping and you will get a wealth of information on the
subject. At least four more sites have showed up since I last looked.

Goo luck.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kestrel" <kestrel@valink.com>
To: "Carolina Birds listserve" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:21 PM
Subject: Digital cameras

> I know this has been discussed before, but I didn't save any of the
> Just now in the market for a digital camera.
> Two questions:
> 1.  Does anyone out there have a recommendation for a best buy that would
> satisfactory for bird photography?  I realize that we may be talking about
> considerable money.
> 2.  Which digital cameras work with the birding scopes?  Do you need an
> Thanks in advance.
> Harrol Blevins
> On the New River at the NC/VA border
> kestrel@valink.com