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Fulvous & Gray Kingbird

Just wanted to thank Phil & Sharon Turner for mentioning the Fulvous
Whistling-Ducks at Huntington Beach State Park earlier today.  I arrived at
the park just as Phil had seen them land somewhere on Mullet Pond.  We
checked the general area for several minutes before he finally found them
tucked away in some vegetation at the west end of the pond.  Beautiful
birds!  Not to mention lifers for me.

While I was there watching the ducks, the Turners also mentioned that
someone had reported a Gray Kingbird on the south end of Pawley's Island.  I
scooted down there and was able to relocate that bird as well.  Wow!  Two
new lifers in a day.  Thanks again Phil & Sharon!

Good Birding,
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach, SC