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Re: birding buddies

Lead and fellow birders...

The Cerulean Warbler is a near-guaranteed bird at the Bull Creek
Overlook near Asheville on the Parkway. There has been a nesting pair of
yellow warblers at the Beaver Lake Preserve in Asheville ever since I
moved here (three years).  In a walk at the Pink Beds off the Parkway,
we were seeing Blackburnian Warblers in five's and six's at a time.
Email me if you'd like some more details. Although I'm not an expert
birder, I do know some good spots near Asheville.

Russ Palmeri

On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 15:42, Leah Campbell wrote:
> Dear Carolina Birders,
> I have decided to take the last week of May off work, before I start summer 
> classes at USC Columbia. (I need two classes before starting pharmacy school 
> in the fall.) I would love to take some of this time to bird and make some 
> new birding friends.
> Although I've always loved birds (and all animals for that matter), I didn't 
> start birding seriously until my trip to Trinidad with my mom in 2000. You 
> wouldn't believe how many local birds I still have never seen! I know how 
> much of a difference it makes when birding with an experienced birder or 
> group. Therefore, I would love to join an individual or small group for a 
> birding trip (or two) next week.
> I would love to bird the Smokies, piedmont, midlands, or coast. I have 
> friends and family in places like Asheville, Greenville (SC), Columbia, 
> Aiken, and Beaufort (SC) with whom I could stay for extended birding.
> Here is a sampling of (warm-weather) life birds I still need:
> least bittern
> yellow-crowned night-heron (adult)
> sandhill crane
> common ground-dove
> black-billed cuckoo
> common nighthawk
> red-cockaded woodpecker
> blue-headed vireo (heard only)
> blue-winged warbler
> yellow warbler
> chestnut-sided warbler
> black-throated blue warbler
> cerulean warbler
> blackburnian warbler
> black-throated green warbler
> blackpoll warbler
> worm-eating warbler
> american redstart (adult male)
> swainson's warbler
> kentucky warbler
> grasshopper sparrow
> bobolink
> baltimore oriole
> Leah
> p.s. In case you were wondering, my Florida trip falls in the break between 
> summer sessions.
> Leah Campbell
> Cornwell, SC
> faeriemaiden@hotmail.com
> "In order to see birds, it is necessary to become a part of the silence."  
> Robert Lynd
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Russ Palmeri
Asheville, NC
over distant mountains-
not a sound!