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Re: Bar-tailed Godwit at Pea Island

On 8/8/03 2:29 PM, "jeff lewis" <jlewis_obx@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hopefully it will stick around for the weekend.

If anybody cares (I do), there have been at least 6 reports of this species
from NC within the last 42 years.  Of those 6, 3 occurred at at Pea Island,
and the other 3 were at Portsmouth Island.

Of those 6 sightings, 4 involved birds that were present for at least 2
days.  (2 of the Portsmouth birds remained for 2-3 weeks.)  So, although
there are no guarantees, a morning dash to South Pond tomorrow might be

(I acknowledge drawing a conclusion on 6 reports is perhaps

I imagine I'll see a lot of you (hopefully) on the NC 12 roadside tomorrow
morning. :-)

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC