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Fort Fisher, NC -- Shorebird Migration

Maurice Barnhill and I spent the morning birding the
areas at Fort Fisher,NC. There were thousands of
Sanderling, and Semipalmated Plovers feeding in the
surf. Additionally, we observed Long-billed Dowitcher
and Short-billed Dowitcher groups (in various
plummages,and we heard the calls of the different
species). They were also feeding in the surf with
hundreds of Willets. We found one un-banded Piping
Plover, and numerous knots.

On the sound side we saw Marbled Godwits, Whimbrel,
Oyster-catchers, Black Skimmers, Black Terns, Common
Terns, Sandwich Terns, Royal Terns, and various gull
species. Herons and Ibis were also abundant.

It was simply a banner shorebird day, and I hope
others will be able to go there and enjoy them.

Greg Massey

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