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eagles, frogs and butterflies

Hey all,
Led a hike this AM for Carrboro Recreation and Parks
to the Eagle Platform. Awesome sightings along the way
included a splotchety red and yellow summer tanager
first year male, singing male indigo, a female summer
tanager, great views of Yellow-billed Cuckoo, two
young great blue herons splashing around and honking
at each other, tons of Fowler's toads, and beautiful
Green Frog with copper eyes on a log beside the vernal
pool, red spotted purple butterflies everywhere, pearl
crescent, silver-spotted skippers, E. Tiger
Swallowtails,& a question mark that probiscised on all
of us at the platform site. And oh so many
dragonflies, but alas, I did not have my Dragonfly
field guide with me. While on the platform, watching
an Osprey coming straight for us, I put my binos down
for a moment and saw a bald eagle right in front of us
swoop in front of the Osprey. All got great close-up
looks as the eagle flew and perched on a naked branch
and I put the scope on her. One fellow was 85 years
old and all were very excited to see this awesome
It wasn't even that hot out there. Improvements are
being made to the trail. It should be awesome when
they are finished.

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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