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CBC Web Site Photo Gallery Update

Wayne Forsythe has graciously provided for use on the CBC Web Site several
remarkable photos he has "digi-scoped" in Henderson County, NC this summer.

In addition to the Olive-sided Flycatcher (just reported to Carolinabirds
yesterday), there are photos of Short-billed Dowitcher, Tri-colored Heron
and Black-crowned Night-Heron --- all quite remarkable species to find in
the mountain area. 

(As a matter of fact, the Tri-colored is only the second or third reported
from the mountains in the last 50 years. Of course, there could be reports
of which I am unaware. The other Tri-colored reports I refer to are from the

To view the photos, just go to the CBC web site (www.carolinabirdclub.org)
and click on the CBC Photo Gallery link.

Russ Tyndall
CBC Web Site Editor