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To squirrel or not - was Squirrel baffel question

I am for Nature but squirrel nature is to eat all the time given the chance
making fatter squirrels.  Fat squirrels make larger litters that grow up to
eat more seed to grow up to have more unrealistic litters.  At some point we
need hawks, cars, dogs, disease, baffles, and perhaps stew to keep their
numbers in check.  We stop feeding most birds in the summer to discourage
mammals from staying too healthy on our nickel.

Tim Lewis
Weaverville, NC

> > I think the CBC ought to be FOR nature as much as possible. What's wrong
> > with the squirrels taking part?
> I think it's an expense issue more than anything. One squirrel puts away
> easily ten times as much seed as all birds put together. A working baffle
> (I have one) saves loads of money in seed purchases, plus a LOT less time
> refilling empty feeders. With squirrels, the feeders go empty almost
> daily; without, the seed lasts for days.
> Good birding,
> Josh
> Joshua S. Rose
> Duke University
> Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
> jsr6@duke.edu
> http://www.duke.edu/~jsr6/