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Egret in WNC

I went to the Park at Lake Lure, NC today and saw a Great Egret wading in
the duck pond.  As I was leaving the bird flew over the river and landed by
the baptist church on the other side.

I also ran the Old Toll road from Montreat, NC up to the entrance to Mount
Mitchell State Park and saw large flocks of migrating warblers.  Most were
above 4,500 Feet in elevation.   I found...

Tennessee Warbler
Wilsons Warbler
American Redstart
Canada Warbler
Magnolia Warbler (hanging with some siskins and R.B. Nuthatches)
Black Throated Green Warbler
Black Throated Blue Warbler
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Golden Crowned Kinglet
Blue Headed Vireo
White Eyed Vireo

Ruffed Grouse
Winter Wren
Pine Siskins
Red Breasted Nuthatches
Pileated Woodpecker

Stu Gibeau
Black Mountain, NC