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migrants starting at Evergreen Nature Preserve

Yesterday we saw the first of the real fall migration beginning at Evergreen
Nature Preserve (for location see meckbirds.org - Local Birding Spots).
Redstarts and cerulean warblers came through a couple of weeks ago.
Yesterday (9-1-03) our finds included
blue-winged warbler
Eastern wood peewee
Northern parula
Chestnut-sided warbler in full fall plummage
groups of nighhawks soaring overhead

Unfortunately we also found one of our neighborhood's Coopers Hawks dead on
the grass under a power pole at Winterfield Elementary School.  We have
taken it to the Carolina Raptor Center for an assessment of cause of death.
Having watched two youngsters learn to hunt in our backyard, we are
especially distressed to think someone may have killed it.  This morning we
were relieved to see two others calling to each other in the woods near our
house, so that we can know at least some of the family of 4 are still alive.

Louise and Larry Barden
Charlotte, NC