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Yellow-bellied Flycatcher in Durham


Today's widely reported fallout of migrants hit Durham too. On the Ellerbe
Creek greenway trail around 5:30 pm a downed tree in the creek held 6
species of warblers. Actually had B&W, Am Redstart and a Hooded in the bins
at the same time - quite a show!

The show was stolen, however, by a very obliging Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
who allowed long frontal and lateral views before retreating into the

According to Avendex this is close to prime time for fall YBFLs in NC, with
most piedmont records occurring between 9/11 and 9/20. It also appears to be
a first record for Durham County.  And, a state bird for me. WooHooo!

Let the fall games begin!

Dan Kaplan