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Fw: Duke Forest Fall Bird Survey

Volunteers are needed for a bird survey in Duke Forest, coming up real soon.
Please contact Chrisie Boyce (cboyce5@nc.rr.com) to participate.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christie Boyce [mailto:cboyce5@nc.rr.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:38 PM
Subject: Duke Forest Fall Bird Survey

I was searching the Internet to possibly find additional voluteers for the
Fall Duke Forest Bird Survey (Sept.15th-30th).  I assumed that the first
place to find bird lovers and experienced birders would be the local audubon
chapter.  If you wouldn't mind forwarding this to your members or just
asking a few people if they would like to participate, I would greatly
appreciate the effort.  Thank you for your time and prompt response.

Christie Boyce
Duke Forest Survey Compiler

-----End Forwarded Message-----

Patrick Coin
Newsletter/Web Editor
New Hope Audubon Society
Chapel Hill/Durham, NC
newsletter@newhopeaudubon.org or
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